"I love taking time out to reflect and, thus, I haven’t finished reading it yet. But what I’ve read so far is powerful and truly useful because it teaches us how, above all things, to be real – to become more of the person we were meant to be and to bring more of ourselves into the world." - A reader
My new book is out and I am excited to share it with the world - this was a first comment from one of my readers and it totally nails my intention for it.
Never could I have imagined that it will be published to such a precedent time - the scenario of a world that becomes more and more unpredictable that I describe at the beginning of the book was meant for the our times now but also for the future - I guess we are already in the middle of it.
For me the topic of self-leadership has been important for my whole career but even more so now as when everything in the outside crumbles it means we need to invest in having an internal sense of stillness that is not dependent from outside circumstances.
This includes to deeply understand our personal purpose and contribution in this world and it also includes to have an honest look at our own so called flaws and weaknesses and those parts we would like to hide. An honest look at our vulnerable parts and a connection to our emotions, an understanding how to use them and through all of it remain our own red line in life, no matter what happens around us.
My experience is that this is the basis of a trustful, authentic relationship to ourselves, to our loved ones but also to our colleagues. Leading ourselves ultimately leads to a new way of togetherness and collaboration that is based on trust, that is rooted in a deep willingness for all of us to thrive and support each other to do so, a compassion that is of service so deeply that it does not stop saying the one thing no one wants to hear and a courage to go through it even if that means to leave so many things behind that were important to us.
The time we are in right now can be one of those great moments when we start to re-define history because we are ready to create a new (working-) world - one that teaches us to reclaim our own authentic path while supporting others to do the same and that creates a world we are proud to leave for the next 7 generations to come.
Happy reading! The book is only out in German yet but hopefully the English version will be out soon.
More infos: https://connected-b.com/de/selbstfuehrung
Order it: https://www.randomhouse.de/Buch/connected-business-achtsam-vertrauensvoll-authentisch/Mounira-Latrache/Ariston/e553009.rhd#
In deep gratitude to all who supported me to make this book happen. Especially Ariston Verlag/Randomhouse Publishing, Bettina Traub, Wolf Schneider and Angel Hernandez.